ThePerfectPair Collection

Find your PerfectPair in this unique collection consisting of three separate NFT’s that tell a small story of love!

The first NFT released in ThePerfectPair is TurtleTokens. Each TurtleToken is a unique generation of 129 possible traits including facial expressions, shell pattern, skin color, flowers, backgrounds, hats, and more. All the turtles are making the first move to find their perfect pair while looking adorable but some are rarer than others. Get yours now on OpenSea
Soon to follow will be the second NFT of ThePerfectPair collection where we will see if the Turtle’s flower is accepted by his love in the HippoBits. Last, will be the end of ThePerfectPair’s mini love story called LoveisLove where we see the happy couple together.
ThePerfectPair collection will be 2,500 pieces consisting of three separate NFT’s with special perks for anyone who collects all three. Check back for more details!